Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Bells By Edgar Allen Poe

Hear the shrieking of the bells
Halloween Bells!
Mean Bells
Make you scream bells
What a world of fright as you're hung by your lapels
Upside-down above a flaming cauldron
Of your enemy's delight
Their vibration steals your breath
Their gleeful mocking tone
Toasts your rendezvous with death
Oh, the bells, bells, bells!
Litter gloomy solemn air with the ramparts of doom
Yet all is not lost for there's redemption in this room
As ghouls, angelic ghouls?
Avulse the flesh from the bones of John Tesh
Wondrous Bells!
Halloween Bells!
Don't mope bells
There's still hope that your lightly used soul sells
To the highest ebay bidder with perfect feedback
Wall Street Bells!
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
The nightmare is as bad as it seems
As the ghouls hoard baskets of disembodied dreams
In their closets just like Guidos stock hair gels
So forewarn the bells
Gloomy bells!
If salvation is your goal
Hurry because time is short
Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
Place a put option on your soul
Only you can't afford the premium
Now the bells bring on delirium
Broadcasting your demise at their symposium
Auctioning your organs to thieving swine
For cheap
For your parts are more worthless than their sum
Your strutting fretting petty drama is drowned out
By the cackling laughing hum
Of the bells, bells, bells -
The gleeful laughing of the bells,
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells
The haunting and the hating of the halloween bells

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